Sunday 10 June 2012

Okay, so I have to admit that I haven't done any form of exercise since I started this blog. Not a surprise because it is so hard to take that first step. Not only that but I am right in the middle of the busiest time at work right now and have so much I should be doing. I have so much I should be doing, but instead of doing it, I am constantly on Pinterest finding new things to add to my work PinBoard, my fitness PinBoard and my food PinBoard. It is safe to say that I am a Pin-addict. Well in my search of fitness pins, I have found one that the original Pinner said to do right when you wake up. It is a quick workout that looks like it should take maybe 15 mins. It has jumping jacks, crunches, pushups, Russian twists, squats, calf-raises, high knees, plank and side plank. I am actually going to give it a go tomorrow morning. I can give up 15 minutes in the morning. I also found a pin where it starts with get off the couch and has the couch potato work up to a run. I am going to come home from work and do that too. So these are my two goals tomorrow. I am going to set my clock 15 minutes earlier and see how it goes. I am almost I am excited. I really do want to have a positive relationship with excercising again. I do know that once I get back into it, I really do enjoy it. I will let you know how it goes.
This is the workout that I found on Pinterest that I am planning on doing tomorrow. It was from