Thursday 23 August 2012

Yikes!!! I got on the scale a couple of days ago and found that I have gained half of the weight back that I had originally lost. Darn food!!!  What can I say, I love food! That number on the scale did scare me. As I said before, I don't need a certain number on the scale but I just want to be healthy. I have been avoiding the scale for a long time but I realised that not looking at the magic number doesn't change what it really is and I mine as well know. I am a healthy eater and I think I lost sight of portion size. I think I felt that I am eating healthy, I can have more. Especially in the last 2-3 weeks I have become even more strict with my eating. I am really limiting my grain carbs and eating even more veggies. I am going to try to significantly reduce my coffee intake. Even though I drink decaf, I am going to try to reduce to 3 times a week or less because I love the cream I put in the coffee. Empty calories. I need to make sure all the calories that go in my body count for something nutritous. Sooooo exercise......I am so bad with exercise. In my head I do want to find the love for exercise that I used to have but my body has such a hard time cooperating with my head. I did part of a Jillian Michaels DVD the other day and was surprised how hard it was. It was a beginner dvd. Today I decided to go for a walk/run. It was hard but I enjoyed it. I like running. That is what I always have to remember. I loved running. So this is where I am going to start. I am going to build up my endurance with running and I will keep working at the Jillian Michaels dvd. I can do it.