Monday 21 May 2012

Like many other people I have ridden the up and down roller coaster of weight loss, weight gain, fitness fanatic to couch potato. Two years ago I lost a large amount of weight, 70 pounds. Mostly I lost the weight due to a major change in my eating habits and then I lost the last pounds through exercise. Slowly the weight is coming back on. For me, it isn't about a magic number on the scale, or having to fit a certain size clothes, it is about being healthy and being able to fit in the clothes in my closet. I do not want to have to go out and buy a new set of clothes because I no longer fit in the clothes in my closet. I still eat mostly healthy, however I am eating too much right now and need to get back in control over how much I am eating. I have also completely fallen off the exercise wagon, which is my bigger problem. I am hoping that by creating a plan and writing it down for all the world to see, I will motivate myself to get back into exercise.

Recently I joined Pinterest and have pinned so many different exercises that I can do at home. Now I just need to write them down and create a weekly plan. I need to set goals and work towards achieving them. I can't tell you how many exercise videos I have sitting on my floor waiting for me to take them on. I am not ready for the videos yet, as I am completely starting over with exercise. I noticed when walking up my long steep hill the other day, a hill that used to be easy for me, that I was huffing and puffing this time. I am going to start small and set goals that are achievable. All going well, I will slowly increase my endurance and my strength. I would like to get into running again. I really enjoyed running. There are so many things I want to do and this is going to be the start. It isn't going to be easy but it will get easier.

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